So i hit a deer with my route truck at work yesterday!!!


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa


yep thats all the damage the dumb doe did. ran right out in front of me on a gravel road doin bout 50mph. lol cost me 87 cents to fix it. she knocked off the rightside break away bumper an bent the brackets a lil. had to buy new bolts an put it back on. my boss laughed his ass of. hes like is there any meat saveable. im like kenny my duals ran it over. theres nothing left. lmfao I:I
so far ive hit 1 deer, 4 cats, 1 owl, 3 bats, a millon sparrows, 1 coyote an i even ran through a fly zone for honey bees that was kool as sh*t. it was like someone took a machine gun an an plastered my winsheild in a straight line all the way across the window. lol
the deer was ripped in 4 or more pieces when i went back to look at hit an check out my truck. had to go back anyways to pick up the right piece of my bummper. lol

yea thats pretty messy but in know some who would've come right behind you and got them pieces lol
nice....... lol my grandma ran over a cat last year and she wouldn't stop saying ohhhh that poor poor cat,i hope its in heaven...i was like chill out grandma its not ur fault its the cats fault and i cheered her up!! lol
man just wait till the colder months you wont find a dead deer on side the road anywhere here. like when the temp dosent go over the low 40s the meat last a lil longer after they die so people ride around checking for fresh roadkill lol
any pics of the deer

unfortunetly no cause im not allowed to tak my phone with me on my routes i gotta take this cheapo pos phone the company gives ya. there so damn cheap ive broke 5 in 6 months. some kinda of motarola. u cant txt u cant take pics or blue tooth or nothing just recive calls an make calls. its a super gay phone