smoking like crazy?


New Member
Feb 25, 2013
i just got my blaster running a couple days ago and it smokes like a train. Only time it doesnt smoke is if im at low rpms cruising if i gas it even just slightly it will smoke. i know a 2 stroke will smoke a bit but dang going down the road it leaves a fog across the whole road for a good 200 foot or more.
Also im using premix 32 to 1.
what premix oil ?
has it been leakdown tested ?
clean freshly oiled air filter ?

excessive oil could be poor jetting, poor oil or leaking crank seals, < which a leakdown test will pinpoint
um idk what brand but its 2 stroke oil.

how do i do a leakdown test? i put diesel in the top to clean it out a few days before i put it all together, and it didnt leak into the bottom so im sure the case is sealed, it has new gaskets for cylinder, head, reeds, and exhaust, and i had the head resurfaced so that should be fine. the one between motor and cylinder is paper kind of so that should seal fine.
I forgot to mention i did a whole top end job on it, i rebuilt the whole engine basically except the transmission, replaced all the clutch and gears on the side and cleaned that stator and everything.

And yes brand new uni filter with uni oil.

I also cleaned the cab which was clean already but i clean em all the time so im sure i cleaned it pretty good.
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If that paper gasket is green it could be leaking, they are reknowned for it.

The 2 stroke oil must be for air cooled motorcycle engines, not weed eaters or outboards otherwise you can expect excess smoke.

Leak test is recommended.

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ah that might be why then the oil is for a chainsaw i didnt know there was a difference. ill try different oil, i had seafoam in there too but ive never had it make a 4 stroke smoke unless i pour it in a vaccum line.
Ill try 2 stroke motorcycle oil if that doesnt clear it up ill try a leak down test, i think my gasket was green.
Strangely i washed it today and ran it up and down the road a couple times and it hardly smoked at all.
First things first!

Leak test and if it passes, then ride.

No leak test and ride, dig deep into the pocket for the last of your loose change.