Skid plates??


New Member
Jun 6, 2011
Alright guys so Im looking for some skid plates for my blasters but not sure what to go with, i want complete coverage on the bottom, including a arms, though I kno I prolly cant get it all in a bundle. What is everyone using and I did find this one, whats your opinions??? Thanks ahead time for the help!

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I just got diamond plate and got it welded to the a arms and frame, then my swingarm skidplate was reinforced with steel re-bar and the diamond plate on the bottom of it. But that's my custom jerry rigged stuff haha.

Edit: I would definitely get it, its a good price for a frame skid plate. Looks tough too
Lol Im not sure how good of riggin I am lol prolly get something together go try it out for the first time and have it either fall apart or bust on me! Lol
I had it cut out of a huge piece of it then they welded it on the bottom of the frame, its super tough, I'd sell ya mine if you wanted a locked '95 lol there's no way to get them off without a ton of grinding lol
its not hard i made my own and gonna make a alumunum one again here in a few days. just make a cardboard templete and then cut out the metal. You can use condult hangers or just make it where it bolts to the pegs and to the front bumper holes like im gonna do on my second one.
any metal shop. Lowes may have it or some place like that. And a 4 inch angle grinder or it you got time and guns lol a hack saw
Lol not much time, i work 50-58 hrs a week and no grinder. Il prolly just buy one as soon as I find a good one to buy lol
i would check your local metal scrapyard place. round here its called recla metals and you can take scrap metal in and they pay you by weight to give it to em and they turn it all into big square chunks of steel and metals. there should be a scrap bin that you can rummage through and get pieces or if nothing would work they should have a shop and a sheet sheerer that you could get a piece from for fairly cheap. hope this helps
Hmmm..... Im sure theres prolly somewhere around here like that, maybe Il wait til my BF gets back and we can rig something up together for both blasters, he is a bit more handy than me lol
haha yea that makes sense to have him help then. but i would say if you know anybody thats a good fabricator ask them to help make one and youll have one on there in no time. if not do what ya can
Yea I think I kno someone who will help me and has a welder too! How thick of metal should I use? I dont want anything real heavy cuz it will of course weigh me down (slow) me down, and well nobody likes that lol

But still has anyone bought one that they think works really good? And is worth the money? Same thing about A arm skid plates?
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