if you dont do it i will slap you through the internet
that 250r with a nationals port job will eat your raptor up bud
go test ride it man thats all i gotta say. if im not mistaken they are faster than banshees( not saying much) and a cr250 dirtbike will go faster than 70+ stock
even though you have a very badass raptor. i wouldnt think about it too long before somebody jumps on that sh*t
Hell YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It will also outhandle your tippy, top heavy pig ( no offensive ment there, raptors are great quads and can be made very fast )
u better fool.....ill be the second one to bitchslap u through the screen lol.....thats a sweet ride bro
lmao..i dunno mannn im just used to the rappy now..ill decide after i ass dyno the trx.lol
lol there deff will be a full report,not meeting with him till sunday or monday...more likely sunday tho.and we want the full report on that 2 fool lol
yea get it!