shifting problem


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
central pa
Well i just bought a blaster about a week ago and the person i bought it from said i needed to break in the new shift shaft, so when i shift up into 2nd after i start it i need to push down on the peg a little then shift up into third andkeep doingthat and when i have to shift down to first i just can't press it down a couple times, after every time i shift down ihave to hit the lever up alittle bit after every time i shift down. Please let me know if there is anything wrong or if he was right that i have to break it in.
yeah thats what i figured but whatever its a really nice 01 and i got it for 650 and that is the only thing that i can find wrong with it after riding 3 times, but what do you think i need to fix this.