shifter problem

pb blaster

New Member
Nov 26, 2009
Was riding my blast and it seemed like it slipped into neutral in about 2 gear. Shut it off put it in neutral. Pulled the clutch put it in 1st and let off and it felt like it was still in neutral. Took off my case and a small piece of metal came out with the oil. About paper clip thickness and 3/4 inch long. I noticed the shifter shaft also can be move to the left and right a half inch. I can still go through all the gears when its up on jack stands but when I get it in the yard it wont move in 1st. I can get a picture of the piece that came out of the case if it helps. Just wondering if this is common or if anyone has had this problem before I do anything. Any help would be appreciated!
its that sping that keeps pressue on the shift star , tortion spring 5 bucks on bikebandit
or possably thesping thats on your shifter assmbly
the easiest way will most likely be to split the case.. it's too much of a pain in the ass to do it any other way.. and you probably should split the case anyhow, and check everything else inside to make sure all else is okay since that broke off man..
You don't need to split cases, if it is that spring that is in the link that I showed. As long as all of the spring is accounted for. You just need to pull your clutch cover unbolt your shifter and the shaft will slide right out, replace spring and reverse prosses.
any way of getting around splitting them? I dont have the tools for it and I dont have the money for them at the moment. just really want to get rippin again.