shee axle


New Member
Jan 13, 2010
hey guys i am getting a she axle to go on my +03 blaster and was wondering what tools i am going to need and how to do it lol because i am at a complete stop right now and need to get things going b4 racing season and need some help because i have no clue what to do
it should be fairly easy, i would go ahead and just replace the bearings to be safe when u have it off, also, if ur sproket hub it rusted on give me a pm and i'll walk u thru how to get it off, one major thing i found was, the axel wrenche u can buy don't always work, i had to use 1 axel wrench and a channel lock cause the other wrench bent, the motion pro ones weren't to satisfactory, also, if u widen the back might as well widen the front, u can flip 03+ fronts with these valve stems....>
Flush Mount Valve Stems Set Of 4 - Fits 0.453 Valve Stem Hole - Gorilla VS406C
look on ebay for a good deal, i bought mine from summit racing, they are great, also, use good quality grease when reasembleing the rear end, " green" grease is awesome.u should be happy overall with the shee axel, also a clymer manual is very helpful with the disassemble/reassembleing of the rear end.