selling warning !!!!!!!


Staff member
Jan 30, 2009
sometime late last nite i got a PM from someone who just joined in september, but still has zero posts ????

the Pm went on to say he was leaving for the military soon, and had a few parts he no longer needs, and asked if i could post them in the "for sale" section for him

as you all know this is against forum rules, and the "leaving for the military" part has this sounding just like the current craigslist ripoff scams

i originally replied i would not post them for sale, then PM'd back and stated if he wanted to ship the parts to me, i would sale them and forward him the money

so just a warning to all, be very carefull dealing with anyone on here without the required seller requirements

and....dude, you know who you are, if you are legit and are willing to send me the parts first, then we'll deal, if you don't trust me to do that, why should we trust you ????
dude was just on, was in private messaging, did not respond to my PM's
then signed off
i gonna take that as it was a spoof........

OWNED !!!!! ?????
is that shaquille oneils hand /\/\/\
way bigger than my lil monkey paws, hahahaaaa
Good call, Awk. Sucks we have to be on edge here, but it's good to see people watching out for the community. What's his username? PM me if you'd like.
Really?? My hand fits almost perfectly...and I'm on a Mac. The screen is like 24" or something...

thats right....i do have my screen resolution on 800x600
so my old ass eyes can read all this easier, so everything is larger on my screen
thats right....i do have my screen resolution on 800x600
so my old ass eyes can read all this easier, so everything is larger on my screen

LOL, I can only imagine how large the fonts are on your computer, probably like billboard size letters. Hahahaaa just kidding bro