depends if you can prove the crank is still within specs, and this is a bolt on a top-end and ride ????
if not, selling the csaes and transmission seperately may garner you more loot ??? but that also depends on how long/many times you want to keep relisting it
i usually try to start auctions at about 1/2 price of what i'd like to receive, and only set a reserve price if i'm not willing to except less, or no hurry to sale it.
if you want a quick sale, start the price low, with no reserve,
if it's worth anything, and in demand, it will usually bring a fair price
when you decide on a price, add the calculated seller fees to that amount, and predetermine actual shipping and handling costs so you don't get burnt on that either.
if you live on the east coast, calculate shipping to cali.
then use "same price" shipping for all.
do not get caught up with too many pics, they cost after the first one, clean, clean, clean it before taking and posting the pics
but do describe it in the best details you can, with side to side crank play measurements if possible