most of the professional craigslist scammers demand you email them.
that dude provided a cell # for call/texts, thats a good sign.
take someone with you (adult) who knows what to look for and check it over
Definitely a good deal. I would also go with someone. Maybe they just don't know what they have, or just trying to get rid of it quick. Worth a look over!
i payed $950 for my first 2004 blaster with fmf/wheel spacers on it
i ended up selling it for $1250 dollars.....although i had to replace frame cuz of a bad a-arm that i was not aware of after 3rd day i owned it....all in all i still made a few bucks and got to enjoy it
i would call the person alot of times people sell things and dont delete there adds
only thing i can see from pics is that it is missing front bumper and rear grab bar.
but those are not very much money
and you will def need them to help move it and protect it