safety my arse!


Oct 12, 2008
excuse my rant but this kind of thing drives me nuts.
i go to fill up my 22" mudders at the local gas station, they say that the air pump isnt reliable and advised me not to put my money in. so i go to the next station and they have the same type of machine but it's supposedly working. put my money in and nothing, pump turns on says its operating and looks the part but nothing.
gives instructions to set air pressure and apply air hose to tire valve stem, dont take off till the pressure is achieved.
i do this and wait, and wait, and wait, then the machine shuts off without giving me any air.

what happened to when you put money in and pump the air? simple. if somebody is too stupid that they cant stop at the right pressure, then they shouldnt be allowed too use one again. anybody agree?
end rant
hey i dont mind having to put in 50 cents for a couple minutes of air, but i know when to stop pumping i dont need a computer to tell me ive had enough when i havent goteen any yet.
what happened to service stattions having free air as a courtesy to there customers???

my friends dad still had a gas station that had full service. he would stop what he was doing and come pump the gas. he would also clean the windshield, check air pressure, and other stuff if u asked.
but his shop got shut down last year. he had little old widows that had no idea how to pump gas that now had to learn!
i think theres only a couple places you have to pay for air around here and that the car wash and a couple lil gas stations. all the AC&Ts and Sheetz's have free air...
my rant isnt about having to pay for air at a station.
my rant is about having to choose a preset amount of air before you start.
dont they trust us to fill our own tires properly?
stupid massholechusetts!