Runs great but won't idle


New Member
May 1, 2013
Hey guys, I recently acquired a 1989 Blaster and it has been a ton of fun getting it back to operational condition. We replaced the plastics, all cables,swing arm, heel guards,chain, reed cage, and front wheels. I picked it up last weekend for 325.00 as a project and we had it running in two days. Yesterday was the first day we got to really take it through all the gears. It feels like its tops out somewhere around 60mph. Everything is great on it BUT....the thing won't idle! I am new to four wheelers but not to working on things. The TORS system is still intact so we are thinking maybe that? We have tried adjusting the large screw on the top of the carb. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
That large screw on top of the TORS under the seat is the idle screw. Turning that clockwise raises the rpm's which should have had some effect on idling. Try turning that screw a quarter turn at a time ( clockwise ) giving about 30 seconds each time for the rpm's to adjust to the change. I would take your carb apart and give it a good thorough cleaning with carb cleaner and compressed air ! Make sure you take the choke out/apart and clean it as well. I'm thinking a dirty choke circuit may be the culprit.
There's small holes down the shaft of the pilot jet that get clogged up easy. I use the wire that in the middle of a twist tie to clean the holes out good.
I didn't want to mention this, but I think it will make carb cleaning much easier for a lot of our members on the forum. I USED to smoke w**d occasionally ( tho I havnt in over 2 years ! ) and I found these " pipe cleaners " at a smoke shop that work perfect for cleaning all the small holes and jets in carbs. They have a thin metal base and bristles which get all the dirt and gunk out, and they're only like $2 for 50 of them. I'm sure you could also find them in arts & crafts stores.