running rough


Aug 29, 2010
got a 91 blaster wouldnt start. finally got it started but no power and when i give it gas it breaks up like a carb kit gonna rebuild that. any ideas what else may be causing problem. i did a compression test kicked over 3 times got almost 100. any help would help thanx
thats a lil low in psi should be atleast 120 but did you kick it tell it stopped goin up (the guage)

also is there any mods what main jet. What did you mic the gas??
thats low on the compression so thats probobly most of the problem there. time for a re ring depending on the condition of the cylinder. you can try rebuilding the carb and see if it runs maybe your test wasnt completelly accurate?? let us know what you find out!
got a 91 blaster wouldnt start. finally got it started but no power and when i give it gas it breaks up like a carb kit gonna rebuild that. any ideas what else may be causing problem. i did a compression test kicked over 3 times got almost 100. any help would help thanx

Did you hold open the throttle when you did the compression test?

If you did and it still is registering around 100psi, then you have your answer. It's more than likely time for a re-ring and/or top end rebuild.
held open throttle and kicked 3 times still only about 95 psi. also i noticed previous owner removed tors system and lighting but did not use tors eliminator kit.also has twist throttle not sure if that makes a diffrence.i aslo own a 99 blaster but it has thumb throttle and i used tors eliminator kit on it. rebuilt carb and runs strong im at wits end with the 91. thanx for any help guys
you need to kick it more than 3 times, at least 10 times or until the needle on the psi guage stops increasing!!
torn down motor found lots of scaring on top of piston and head and feel slight groove in jug.gonna have rebuilt.should i check bottom end to ?