rich carb


Mar 18, 2010
chesapeake, va
i have a 28mm carb and when i start the bike up its super rich. the pilot is a 38 and its still riiich. i swapped with another carb exact same carb and it runs perfect with a 48 pilot. why would the 1st one be so rich with the other pilot? it seems all clean i dunno what the problem with it is.
Have you ever removed the choke circuit? There is a flat o-ring in the bottom of the plunger that has to seal well against the little "tube" in the bottom of the hole otherwise the choke will be slobbering fuel out into the carburetor throat...
good advice civic,
is it also possible sumthin is clogging the air inlet for the pilot circut ????
is that a genuine mik or kei jet in the rich one ????