Reiger Shocks

May 18, 2012
Hi guys i am wondering if anyone can tell me someone in the uk that sets up shocks for your weight? just i have a chance to buy herman a-arms with Reiger shocks but i need them set up for my weight.
you manage to get them? I paid the guy and someone did the buy it now before he had chance to cancel so he refunded me, already got Hermann A Arms though :)
I know was gutted, hell of a deal that, and he advertised them as standard and they weren't hehe what you after? I'll keep my ear out for you, I'm after some rear alloys, New bumper if you see of any.
I know was gutted, hell of a deal that, and he advertised them as standard and they weren't hehe what you after? I'll keep my ear out for you, I'm after some rear alloys, New bumper if you see of any.

just after some sort of shocks and wider a-arms to match. still got a few things to sell to make some decent cash to get any as i just bought chain and sprockets lol but il have money at xmas to buy ones if i don't get them before :)