Reed spacers and what I noticed...


Active Member
Apr 21, 2012
Northern NEVADA!
I did some experimenting recently with a reed spacer (1/2" thick). Both "in front of" and "Behind" the reeds and can say that I didn't notice a damb bit of difference after multiple tests between both mounting positions. I suspected that this would be the case before I started the tests. The reason I wanted to try this is because I had one laying around. It might show on a dyno under controlled conditions,but not when your riding and using the "ass dyno".

Should you spend money on a reed spacer? Not unless you are running a bigger carb and need to clear the clutch arm. Thats where they're useful.
Just my opinion after my tests.

DO NOT purchase one as a performance enhancer. Save your money for a better upgrade like reeds,or UNI filter. You'll be happier and money ahead.
I dont believe in ass dynos, ive seen it get proven wrong to many times.

If you get it on a actual dyno and do some testing then it might be worth passing on as good buying advice. I:I
I dont believe in ass dynos

I do! There has been too many times where a "dyno proven" parts doesn't make a rats ass difference when actually riding on a trail.
For example: Super part "A" gives an increase of 2hp in the "narrow window" of 5,000 rpm and 5,200 rpm on the power curve (power band),and the dyno "proves it".
That might be noticeable if you ride your blaster in that narrow rpm range
(200 rpm) of 5,000 rpm and 5,200 rpm,but how are you going to be able to tell? Especially when you are actually will be using the entire power band from off idle all the way to 9,000 rpm's? You'll never see it or feel it,but the dyno shows it there.
There is nothing like spending on parts that promise an increase,or placement/enhancement of power only not to see it.
Kind of reminds me of a boost bottle on a blaster...useless.
Who rides they're blaster in the 5000 rpm to 5,200 rpm range all the time? not me. I use the entire power band! The same could be said if it made power in the 8,000 rpm and 8,200 rpm range. Who only stays in that narrow 200 rpm range? Not me