Hey everyone, buddy showed me this site and you guys seem to know your stuff lol. I have an 02 blaster should be bone stock with oil injection and only has an aftermarket dg pipe on it. Long story short i think i blew the rings on it/overheated and there was a slight chip in the side top of the piston. A buddy is rebuilding it for me and asked if i wanted i wanted to go to a 240 kit rebuild. I know the price difference is only a few hundred bucks and the horsepower is a decent increase. Has anyone done this swap and is it worth it. Also wanna know what else i should do if i do the swap, i am gonna put the oil delete on with this but i heard a few things like: change the mix ratio and to stay away from certian brands for the rebuild kits. Any suggestions on what brand or what to do with the swap would be appreciated. Thanks, Lee.