re-gearing gonna do it for me?


New Member
Feb 2, 2012
well i'm not real sure if im in the right spot cause i couldn't find a place for drive/sprocket questions but here it goes. i ride alot on pretty crazy trails with short straightaways sometimes. my blaster RARLY see's 5th gear much less 6th so i was wondering about regearing pretty low (like 13 front and 44 or 42 rear) but i wanted to know if it was really gonna make a difference or not cause its not cheap. if it would make a world of difference in accelaration then i'm gonna go for it but if it'll only make a small difference i'm not gonna worry about it.
1 tooth in the front sprocket is = to 3 in the rear sprocket.

gearing all depends on what tires ur ruiing, and if ur stock or not. since ur ruiing tight trails and such, and dont see 5th, i would do a 13/44 or so. that will give u a lot of acceleration, but a lot less top speed. obvisally a more mods, the more power, the more speed and acceleration ull get.
Do you ever wish first gear were lower/had more power? Lower gearing will also effectively narrow your transmission ratios, you will be shifting more, not that that's a bad thing. You will accellerate slightly faster.

IMO, IF your sprockets and chain are in good shape you don't necessarily have to change all of it out
gotcha, i've got a pro circuit platinum 2 pipe and silencer, K&N air filter, with a 280 main. i'm about to get boysen pro series reeds to put in. were can i find a 12 tooth front sproket?