racing injuries

Jul 4, 2009
caledonia mn
yesturday calidonia mn had a mx race and one of my friends hit a jump trying to pass a guy the for wheeler didnt go far enough flipped over and launched him of then rolled and the grab bar landed in the middle of his back breaking it=/, about 2 races later my gfs cousin went over the last table top of the race and landed perfectly in third place but a track assistant was standin rite infont of where he landed so he had to ditch the bike and fractured his pelvic bone but hes still walking, even through the injurys my little cousin bradley got third in the 50c on a fourstroke honda racing agains kids on gas and go ktms that we 65c so i was proud of him and my gfs step brouther got 1st in all of his heats so congrats to him, i cant wait to get the blaster put back together and be out there with them agian and my friend has to be in a body cast for 3 months. every one that races stay safe i dont want to here of any one getting hurt from what happened yesturday, bve safe and good luck
a buddy of mine races his 250 dirtbike at casey il. and he just started this year and he was doing pretty good for is first year then it was his 7th or 8th race a guy landed on the back of his bike making him wreck and break his leg :( but when he gets better hes going to start racing again
Looks like I joined this club on the 4th of July of all dates lol. My tierod bent when I came up just a tad short on a 115' table and hello broken collarbone, seperated shoulder, loss of vision, and strained elbow wooohooo! Not. I hope those guys up there get well soon. Sounds like they've had alot worse days than Im having.
one of my friends brokehis tibia this weekend and onother one ended up with a punctured lung, boht are ok but will miss the rest of the season