R.I.P. to the students and teachers of CT shooting

Came into My truck after a swim meet today, and my father was almost crying. I've only seen the man cry once, maybe twice in my life. And he told me the story. Sick to my stomach, he better rot in hell. Prays go out to the family's of those students and teachers.
kindergarten thru 4th graders...WTF would make someone do that ???

Q : why do these mass murders never happen down on the corner in the hood ???

A: the crack dealers down there are all armed, and will cap your ass.

gun control does not work. period.
criminals will get guns if they want them bad enough.
it is time for all of America to arm themselves, 24 hours a day, in their homes, schools, malls, theaters, resturants ect. ect,
average citizens everywhere packing heat !!!
so when these nutcases start shooting, someone can take them out quickly, to limit the loss of life that occurs when nobody but the assasin is armed.

recently here in my town, a heavily armed gunmen showed up at a local police department, he got 2 shots off from his 12 ga. before they took him out,
why ?....because his intended victims were armed themselves.
assailant - 0, armed police - 1

if we are all armed, this sh*t wouldn't happen, at least not the mass deaths becoming more and more frequent.

lock and load people, to defend ourselves and our children !!!!

(sorry for the rant, but helpless children getting slaughtered PISSES ME OFF !!!!!)
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As a father I can't imagine losing a child, especially this way . My heart goes out to those people .
if i was the father of one of those kids i would go find the guy who did it and cut his fingers off and do the same to anyone who had a part in it or planned it kinda like that movie "man on fire" with denzel washington
This one was a little too close to home. Very sad day indeed. I had a very long talk to my 9 year old daughter about it. Thanks to everyone who called me yesterday to make sure she was OK. My heart goes out to the parents of the murdered children and the friends and family of the teachers.
and now there's a guy on the geraldo riviera show saying the same thing i said 2 days ago.....
put all the unemployed iraqi/afghan war veterens back to work, standing in full body armor, automatic weapon armed, trained to kill, at the entrance to every school in this country, and see how many of these whacko's show up then ?
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There is no possible excuse, or bad enough life that man could have been living to be able to do that within reason. There just isn't. Hope he rots and burns.

and sorry, but gun control is a joke in the US, and that's why this happens so much. because of your second amendment, if that guy survived he could have went out after (a lengthy prison sentence) and bought another assault rifle.

RIP every innocent student and staff member that has died in school shootings.