Quick Chain Question?


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
I changed my axle the other day and I did not need to remove the chain from the rear sprocket when i replaced the axle. My question is, How do I kno if there is to much play in the chain. I seem slightly loose but I'm not sure if thats normal. I rides pretty good, I recently had a rebuild. It feels like the powerband could be a little stronger but other than that it rides pretty good.

I had the bike for about 3 months and I have not lubed the chain yet.
well to check the tightness of the chain there are a few things to check out...1)check to be sure of proper chain routing above the lower chain roller and below the top chain roller, also that it is sliding through the rear chain slider attached just above the swingarm skidplate.2) take a tape measure and lock it out about 18" or so and set it with the tape extending straight up about halfway between the engine and carrier. 3)then push the chain as far down as you can and remember the measurement, then pull the chain vertically up and check the measurement.
if you have more than an inch and a half of up and down play it needs tightening, less than an inch and it needs loosening. simple right???
There are 2 chain adjusters at the back of the carrier. But first you have to loosen the carrier bolts so it can move as you adjust the chain adjusters. Make sure the chain is straight and that you adjust the chain adjusters evenly...
If you look closely you can see the o-rings in between the gold and the black links
