Quad died


New Member
Jan 14, 2013
Huntington wv
Ok guys. Was out riding one of the 01s today and as I approached a hill and went to gun it she died. She acted like she wanted to start a couple times but didn't seem to be gettin gas. Plug looked foul so I changed it, still nothing. Checked spark and it had good strong spark. Haven't tested but pressure feels as good as it did before. Tiny bit of smoke came out of my air box when I removed filter. Ok so where should I start looking? I'm tearing motor apart Tomm to check piston and jug. Some1 told me to check reeds and another said its the tors. Knew you guys would be the ones to help
Well, your friends suggested two good places to start. Tors should be unplugged at the brain to eliminate that possibility, and to prevent future problems. Could be bad reed.
You can inspect the piston through the exhaust and intake port. I highly suggest doing a leakdown test before you pull intake/reed cage, especially if you plan on pulling the cylinder.
Inspect the carb closely, might have sucked up dirt. I would do this before teardown, it's easier, too.

The smoke (or vapor) from filter may be nothing, or it might be due to bad reed.
Thanks. Fuel ran freely from tank but didn't seem to be getting to the cylinder. When I unhook the brain from the tors under the hood is that all ill have to do to check that or will I need to unplug from carb Also? I'm bout to order the kit now actually but would still like to test and see if that was in fact the issue
Thanks. Fuel ran freely from tank but didn't seem to be getting to the cylinder. When I unhook the brain from the tors under the hood is that all ill have to do to check that or will I need to unplug from carb Also? I'm bout to order the kit now actually but would still like to test and see if that was in fact the issue

unplug tors at the brain under the hood, at the carb and throttle <(plug under the hood)
my money is on a broken reed, hence the back flow into the airbox, pull the carb and peek in the intake with a flashlight, it's possible to look thru from back near the shock and get a straight veiw into the intake, or use a small mirror.
Thanks. Fuel ran freely from tank but didn't seem to be getting to the cylinder. When I unhook the brain from the tors under the hood is that all ill have to do to check that or will I need to unplug from carb Also? I'm bout to order the kit now actually but would still like to test and see if that was in fact the issue

TORS has nothing to do with fuel flow. It only affects spark. Are you sure the cylinder is not getting fuel ? Maybe it's getting to much. Try starting then pull plug to see if its wet with gas.
Haven't tore into it yet but getting ready to start. Sorry for confusion but when I mentioned the gas flow from tank it was just to eliminate possibility if a clogged petcock. The new plug didn't seem wet after I tried kickin it over. I'm actually bout to go out and get her started now so ill update this evening