pwk 33 start/idle


Jul 12, 2010
I just installed a pwk33 carb along with some v-force 4 reeds. Prior mods are a K&N filter, no airbox lid, FMF fatty pipe with powercore 2 silencer and a vito's 240 bbk. I rejetted the carb with a 155 main and 50 pilot jet from what it came with.

Heres my issue. I'm still waiting for a new throttle cable to arrive so there isnt one hooked up right now, but figured that I would go ahead and check the pilot jet and adjust the idle and air screws. On the second kick it acted like it wanted to start but died and I couldn't get it to do anything after that. I've ran the air and idle screws all the way in and out and tried with the choke on and off, couldn't get it to do anything. Would not having a throttle cable on it and the slide being all the way down affect anything? On the stock carb, with it all the way down there was still a little gap there. On this one there is nothing, it is closed off. Does it have to be adjusted with a cable so it is slightly open? If so, whats the point of the idle adjust screw?
I'm having a somewhat similar issue with my 35pwk. I can get it to start and run but it has always been super rich. I found that the slide was the problem. You need to look on the bottom of your slide. There will be a # it's either going to be #5,5.5, or 6. Take a look and post what you have.
The slide is a 6, which according to the chart I found is right in the middle on the rich/lean scale. Also, there was no fuel at all on the engine side of the carb. Granted, it hasnt ran yet, but should there be a little just from kicking it over 50 plus times? I didn't play with it too much before I installed it, but I did now and found out what exactly the idle screw does and answered one of my own questions. With the idle screw all the way in it raised the slide and gave it about 1/8" of clearance. Also managed to pop the head off of the crap plastic thing.
When I have the time I'll take it back apart and doublecheck the pilot jet. I suppose I need to check the float level also, didn't do that.
Your slide is correct. Clean carb, set float height, put in a 50 pilot, cel needle in middle slot, and 160 main. Plug chop from there. My carb had a number 5 slide in it, that's why I could never lean it out.