Project Blaster Won't Start...


New Member
Dec 11, 2012
Hey guys, need your help. Just bought an 89 Blaster that didn't run. The guy didn't know what was wrong with it, so I have no background on when it last ran or anything.

Things I've done: It had no compression, so we put a new piston/rings in it.
The jets in the carb were all gummed up and plugged, so I put a freshly rebuilt carb/tors unit on it. Brand new Spark plug/Ignition coil. Bought a used CDI box from a newer blaster that was running. Cleaned out the tank and put new premix in it.

Previous owner had eliminated oil injection, and had also done a key delete.

I know the Blaster has good compression now. It has good spark. And its getting fuel. But for some reason or other it will not run. Anybody have any idea what I should try next?

It almost acts like the "power" is off. My initial thoughts are that the guy did the key delete wrong. Is there somewhere I should check for this?

Any help would be appreciated....Thanks.

Also. The night we installed the piston.. (before the cdi, carb, and coil) We tried to pull start it. It would run while it was being pulled(roughly) but would not stay running by itself. As soon as we stopped pulling it, it would die.
If you are getting spark at the right time, have compression and fuel it should keep running.

What are the reeds like?

Is it airtight, have you leak tested it?

With the key delete the wires must be open circuit for it to run.

Silly question but did you put the piston in facing the correct way?
The black and black white wire from key switch must be disconnected from one and other. I'd uplug the throttle switch and carb switch leave them hang, then unplug the tors box. then I would do a leak test on it to assure that it doesn't have a leak since you have had the top end off! Then fire it up! do heat cycles (if you do them) .
I have a buddy who installed the piston for me...he seems to know his stuff so I'm sure he put the piston in right.

He also told me the reeds looked good.

I will do a leak down test and verify no leaks. Also will double check those wires....although the guy removed the key switch completely, and I don't remember seeing those wires anywhere.
I see you said "it has good spark", did you remove the spark plug, lay it against the head, and kick it over?

If you have fuel, compression, and fire it will run. The only wildcard out of the bunch is, as Blaaster eluded to, properly timed spark. I've seen a blaster or two that spun the flywheel and lost ignition timing. Confusing because it'll have fuel, compression, and great spark. Unfortunately, it won't be firing at the right time.

The TORS system is a "kill" system that uses two momentary contact switches, one in the thumb throttle housing and one inside the "box" located on top of the carburetor. If the TORS box senses that the thumb throttle is "closed" but doesn't sense that the carburetor is closed, it will "kill" the engine. It's a safety system but like most ill designed safety systems..... the TORS system gives more trouble than throttle cables!

All Black wires with a White stripe are CDI kill switch wires. They are to be isolated from chassis ground for the ignition system to function properly.
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