Pretty Funny Joke


New Member
May 27, 2009
this kid at skool told me this joke goes like this:

so theres a kid talking to his dad and he is like,
hey dad, if there is nuts on the wall is it called "wallnuts" the dad is like sure whatever
then the kid says, hey dad if there is nuts on the tree is that called "treenuts" and the dad is like ya, ya, ya, ok whatever
then the kid says, hey dad, if there is nuts on my chin are they "chinnuts" ????
the dad respond, NO timmy that means your sucking a dick !!!!!
i heard this like 6years its been around a while.
heres one for ya::

Wife is reading a book on Bulls and she says::

Wife: "Honey,did you know a Bull has sex over 8,000 times a year?"
Husband: "Really? wow,thats pretty impressive"
Wife: "Yea it is,why cant you do that?"
Husband: "Ask the bull if hes been f*ckin the same cow like i have"
speaking of that topic i once was going to school and i saw a cow humping a donkey and to be quite hones i was scared... now i think i see a cow donkey
i heard this like 6years its been around a while.
heres one for ya::

Wife is reading a book on Bulls and she says::

Wife: "Honey,did you know a Bull has sex over 8,000 times a year?"
Husband: "Really? wow,thats pretty impressive"
Wife: "Yea it is,why cant you do that?"
Husband: "Ask the bull if hes been f*ckin the same cow like i have"

lol haha never heard that one before.Made me laugh