pretty cool thing happend


New Member
Jan 17, 2009
this afternoon my dad got a call from bill casey of TPC trikes(made the first 450r trike for the ones who dont no) and said he was gonna be in our area and invited us to have dinner with him and his girlfriend

this is just suposed to be a funny pic for the guys on

so pretty much i had dinner with the most, i guess you could say famous trike racer, and hes one of the best if not the best
thats awsome, but why did he call your dad, does he know him or did he just pick a random # out of the phone book.

yea he new him from the 3 wheeler message boards but this is the first time they have met in person but they have talked on the phone and stuff before
what do you mean by it looked so badass, you make it seem like its not around anymore......but me and you both no it still is and it still is badass...ahah i love watching eric jenssen race bills 450trike