Porting pics


Sep 15, 2008
Well last night i got bored and decided i wanted to ruin something so i ported my sh*tty spare jug. It needed to be bored before but now it really needs it due to a few hand slips. haha take a look. Im still not done i need to clean up and finish the exhaust port. Im not expecting this thing to produce and gains at all but it will be fun to see lol




what did you use to do that? i want to port my other jug just for kicks since its pretty mangled. ive got a nice die grinder with different bits so im pretty set. Using a dremel to do it seems pretty hack. blaster01, porting is an art its done by hand. some companys have cnc machines to reproduce port jobs on things like car cylinder heads but i dont think anyone uses them to port quad and bike engines.
Thanks guys i really just jumped into it and did it haha. I used a dremel tool and several differnt style bits. And like i said im not done yet so its still kinda rough. :D