please help


New Member
Jun 14, 2010
Today i was out riding my blaster when i came across a problem. I was out riding just came off a jump and ended up on my left two wheels without rolling over. When i hit the throttle again everything seemed to be fine for about 100 yards or so. Then the problems started. Everytime i gave i gass the engine would make a really wierd sound and would loose rpms. I shift down and the same thing. Eventually it died (even when i had the clutch pullled in). I started it up again and the same thing. Died. Then it wouldnt start. So i had to push it back to my houseX(. after i while i got fed up with pushing and tried to start it again. It fired up this time and worked for about 200 yards till it died. It did pump gas and i didnt hear any wierd noises. Any help would be greatly appreciated because i am 14 i just got a job and this is my dads quad. I really have been trying to save up for my own and i dont want to dump any money in to this bike (especialy after i just spent 250 on parts for out suzuki lt230). Again please help
Seems to me like a fuel issue. Perhaps the float is hanging up and not letting the needle open up to give it enough gas. It may fill the float bowl, but once thats used up it is starving.....

Just a guess
sounds like a dirt in the carb or petcock problem to me, some must have gotten jarred loose when you landed and clogged the petcock screens, float valve or jets
i landed so hard one time i knocked the floats out of spec, and also knocked the cast iron thing loose in the exhaust, causing a severe bogging problem
if you can stand the bike up on its assend you may hear that piece rattlin around in the pipe, assuming it's a stock pipe, or you may have to pull it to hear it loose in there, if so a new pipe is in order

i'd start by checking all electrical connections, pull them apart and reconnect them
then pull the fuel line, turn on the gas and see if it flows good, if so, pull the carb, then the bowl and give it a good cleaning,

check them reeds for cracks, or broken pedal while you have the carb off too!!!!

what year bike is this, could also be a tors or park brake problem??? but dont know why landing funny would fool with those things????
thanks for the input but i didnt land hard the bike year is 02 and im going to try the carb fuel pump and tors
Try a new plug before you start tearing into anything major, sounds somthing like mine did, (random just died then wouldn't run long after that) put a fresh plug in and its been going strong ever sense.