Places to ride near Lawton??


New Member
Aug 4, 2009
FT. Sill, OK
Hey everyone, are there any good places to ride near Lawton?? I heard of lake Murray and now the place in Davis, but are there other places?? Even if they aren't that close. Any info would be cool.
My younger brother and I usually go to waynoka and ride. Well probably go in october. Are you gonna be back from Iraq in time? My brother got back from Iraq last october.

I need to buy a piston for my blaster too. Blew it up back in june. lol
hey blasta I sent you a few Pm's and what not. anyways I wont be back in october, but I plan on doing lots a riding year round and what not so just hit me up sometime or I can talk to you before I go out riding.