performance parts

Feb 2, 2015
I have a 2002 Yamaha blaster and I'm trying to make my engine have more power and make it better overall. Btw I already have it bored out both top and bottom. All help appreciated.
Not sure what you mean by top and bottom. Boring doesn't add any significant power gain. Steps normally go in this order, aftermarket filter, remove airbox lid, aftermarket exhaust, head mod and porting
Not sure what you mean by top and bottom. Boring doesn't add any significant power gain. Steps normally go in this order, aftermarket filter, remove airbox lid, aftermarket exhaust, head mod and porting
I mean that I rebuilt the top and bottom end
Along with what has already been posted, don't forget about proper jetting. Have a clean good air filter, and make sure all bearings, chain is clean and good and that brakes aren't hanging up. << those simple few little things are lots of times over looked and can be power robbers.
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Big 3 as always for starters - intake, exhaust, and a good proper tune. At your point port work and a head mod (re chambering) will give you the most noticeable gains and a good set of reeds will improve throttle response, bottom end power and overall a slight gain across the board. I like v-force reeds personally but oppinions will differ. Advancing your timing about 4* will also give you a noticeable gain. A larger carb when used in conjunction with the right mods will net you more power on top. There are better options for exhaust also other than the fmf tho it will do fine for now, theres always upgrades available. Once out of options with your stock bore and stock stroke there are always bigger options there as well. Anyhow, just a few things you can consider in the future