

New Member
Sep 7, 2008
missiouri (booteheel)
what all do u have pearced i just recently pearced my secend part of my ear guna streatch it out but not as big as the other one
You should change the title to 'pearcings and/or tats'

I have the steve-o tat but with a beard cuz my lower back is pretty hairy
i used to have the bottom of both ears piecerced and they were stretched out to the size of a pencil. i also used to have the top of my left ear pierced, i don't know why i took them out but i'm probably just gonna pierce them agian but i won't put plugs in it
For me, i have no piercings or tattoos, and dont plan on having any. I just dont see the reason for it. Im just not part of the group i guess. I dont think ear rings would go good with my worn out justins and my personality. To me its kinda gross and weird to see people with holes in the bottom of their ears,and you can see through em. But its what ever floats your boat.
lol yeah ear rings don't go good with soem people.... i guess back then they went with me but now well not really
I used to have two loops on the edges of my bottom lip but one got ripped out and i jus took the other out
well... i don't have pics, cuz once again as most of you who know me know.. i absolutely hate dealing with cameras.. but as Jabes knows.. im a piercing freak..

i have:
snakebites on my lower lip
eyebrows each 4 times
tounge twice (2 small dull spikes)
bottom of my ear guaged (14 guage)
pierced 3 more times above that
i have a surface piercing on the back of each hand that is the Unholy Pentagram (inverted pentagram)
i have my nose pierced and then the piece in the middle of my nose with a small type ring... but i forget what that piece of cartalidge is called...
i have the bridge of my nose done with a 1/8" diameter rod through it
and im soon to get my ears pierced a few more times along with even more tattoos yay..
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yes ur septum i have pearced it but i couldnt get the ring threw and i have pearced the top of my ear 2 times one was with the earing it self i have had my lebrey pearced but i keept eating them so i gave up but im guna re do my lip sometime im also wanting a industial big bar acrost the top of my ear and guna get some tats when i turn 18 lol mom dont want me to have them
yes ur septum i have pearced it but i couldnt get the ring threw and i have pearced the top of my ear 2 times one was with the earing it self i have had my lebrey pearced but i keept eating them so i gave up but im guna re do my lip sometime im also wanting a industial big bar acrost the top of my ear and guna get some tats when i turn 18 lol mom dont want me to have them

yeah!! tht's the word i was lookin' for.. septum... oo i had no prob with the ring, mine isn't very big ring either though.. i know some people that have guaged that, and some that haved shoved a big f*cking ring through it..

haha, my mom hatesss me soo much for what i''ve done so far... i have my whole left arm tattooed as a spider web with a black widow on my wrist and it looks like it has its fangs sunk into my veins
i also have the upside-down satanic cross tattoed all the way accross my back and currently im TRYING to find something for my right arm to look like... i need ideas though...
i have both my ears done. i used to have a 8 gauge, but now i just have studs in. ill probably go to a 10 sooner or later. it was just a pain in the ass during baseball cause i had to take them out.
hmm thats what im saying just depends on the artis and also they will charge what they can sell if they live in a small town then they will charge less so they can get moer ppl but if u in a big town then u can charger higher cus theres more ppl that will pay more for a tat