OMI Products Greaseable Steering Stem Mount VS Stock!

79 bronco

Moderator & Self Custom Psycho
Staff member
Apr 9, 2010
I don"t know???????
OMI Products Yamaha ATV Greaseable Steering Stem Mount # 355-5100. It has double the bearing surface, better seals, and its greasable.

Where to get the OMI Products Greaseable Steering Stem Mount. VVVVV



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I know joe, That Boss billet adds some nice Bling! It was hard decision between the OMI with a grease fitting, and the Boss with bling! :)
i've seen Bronco attack the biggest mudholes around here,
(he thinks it 4wd, but we haven't told him the truth yet)
if anyones steering bushing is subjected to mud/water, and needs regreased often, it is his :)
After stripping my quad to get it powered I found out the OMI bushing had a problem. I had installed it with grease on the o-rings and o-ring grooves and grease all on the inside of it.

But the ends have started popping out so did some measuring. Found out that the 0-ring slot is 3mm wide and the o-ring is 3.5mm wide.


The lip / edge is only 1.6mm thick so bends easy. I dont no way they didnt make it 3 times as thick as there is lots of room.

Don't think I want to use it now. Was thinking about removing the lip that is bending out and making a new aluminum plate that goes of the outside held on with 2 little bolts threaded into the bushing. wound need to make 4 of the one of each side of both bushings.

stem plate.JPG

That ballet one is another option I'm looking at.

79 Bronco you might want to check you one. Let me know how it looks. :)
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Wow! I can see how the lip, edge is bent in pic.
How well did the o-rings fit in the o-ring grooves before you installed it?

The o-rings fit in mine very nice. you can see that in my pics.
I will take a look at mine to see if it looks like the lip edge is bent. :confused:
O-rings fitted tight in grooves and I would say when the 2 bolts got done up it would have made it a even more tight fit and pressed the edge out.
How you go 79 bronco? I contacted OMI protucts about my one and attached photos to see if they had any ideas about it. Got a reply and they sending me another one. :eek: Now that is a perfect service.

I even order one of the billet ones. Will make a thread about it when I have it

Random question day. will the stock seals fit in the OMI unit?

Just looked at your photos close up. Looks like your one maybe pushing up?
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Got my aluminum parts today to modify the OMI clamp.

Cut the lip off.

Nice fit. Also the o-rings fit a lot better now that I made the slot 3.5mm wide.


Just need to get some screws or bolts now.


Download PDF: HERE
Download DXF: HERE
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Took mine off and it looked fine, but the grease was all pasty, and my steering stem looked like it had a lot of wear under the mount!

Im thinking i went a little crazy with the paint. Then the paint rubbed off mixing in with the grease making the grease pasty.
