omg! there is gas everywhere!

mystic mafia

New Member
Sep 24, 2010
so i was riding my mini bike 125 cc! bitches haha and i was going 55 and i hear snap! and i rode home very slowly (first gear) like 5 mph and when i got home i jut checked it out and i found one of the motor mounts snapped! so i decided i might build it up or just use it as a test bike or just fix the mounts. and as i was messing with it, basically stripping it all down and i noticed my feet are now soaked and there is gas everywhere! one of the gas lines got pinched when the mount broke and it broke the line. so have you guys ever been covered in gas or had a horryfying mount snap? tell the whole story
yea..... one time i was filling my blaster up with gas...... i left the gas "on" as i was doing it.... and the whole time i was filling it up, it was leaking out of the carb through the tube for like if u flip it it leaks out, and the whole time it seemed tht my gas tank never got full.... i used an entire 5 gallon gas can... blasters only have a 2.3 gallon gas tank... i just couldnt understand how it held 5 gallons.... until i saw the huge patch of wet, gassy gas stain of grass under my blaster..... yea... i felt like sh*t
there was this other time when I was beating this mod'ed out banshee on my 250 blaster and the power band broke. Sparks where coming out my carb and I started sliding ,flipped and broke my ankle.

Oh,I don't have pics of the 250 blaster. After the power band broke I was so mad that I destroyed it with a sledge hammer.
Tipped a quad up on end to weld a broken frame
As soon as the welder sparked the quad went up in flames
by the time I got the extenguisher it was a fire ball
The gas cap leaked when I tipped and it ran down the tank on onto the frame

So I learned 2 things 1) always mke sure no gas leaked before you weld and 2) a fire extenguisher makes a hell of a mess in a garage!
well there was this one time... wait.... i... DAMN..... I FORGOT.........
..........................................................................................................................................................have you ever smelled electrical tape? lol.
I feel your pain, I was trying to get spark on my honda a while ago, I had the plug out, and it up on its side for a while before so I could replace a gasket, and it had completely flooded, and I mean flood-ed when it was on its side, and when I cranked it over, it splashed gas everywhere.

on the upside, I got spark. =D