well this was the first bike that i ever built and i was going threw my photo bucket and see it so decided to post it up. well heres a story about it.. i bought it for 150 in boxes (literally) nuttin on the frame. nada. engine was f**cked. so i made it into a roller. front rim was trashed. rear tire needed tread lol. atv handle bars.. i was 16 at the time. i bought a professional ama racers practice bikes engine and pipe. he moved up to bigger bikes. bought it for 150 also. engine had been dropped on kick starter so the case was broke. jb welded that up and it was good. got new rim and tire. (not in the pic) new plastics(not rear) and tore sh*t up.. the power band was nice and crispy and pretty long too. thing did atleast 70 no joke. (with sum1 lighter) so letme know what u think. i was 16 and this was the first bike i built on my own. o btw frame plastics ect. were a 80 engine was an 85. same with pipe