
May 18, 2012
Hi guys quick question i used Silkolene Light Gearbox Oil in my rm 125(water cooled) 2 years back. but then i had a accident with the bike and went onto a quad. what i want to know is if this oil doesn't do air cooled would this be the cause of my throttle not working properly? as iv only ever been out once on quad since i got it and the power wasn't kicking in. i hear my mates and it kicks in no bother but mines sounds like a 4 stroke lol. (i did have a air leak which would also not help the power but just thought of this.) waiting on a message from a guy to find out if this oil i use supports air cooled. also if this doesn't do air cooled would it do any damage?
Are you using gear oil in a premix?

If you have run this with and air leak you have prolly done damage.

no im using this in engine. i use silkolene Comp 2 for my premix. and i never rode quad for anymore than 5 minutes as i noticed the base gasket was leaking so i switched it off and came home. fixed airleak but just thought of the engine oil as not sure.
You may mean you are using it in the transmission.

Transmission oil has no say in how a motor runs unless it is getting into the crancase by some means.