Off to the Camp


Apr 15, 2010
Small town, ON, Canada
well, heading out tomorrow morning at 5am, cottage/hunt camp north east of Sault St. Marie Canada on Ranger Lake. Gunna be about a 7 hour drive.

Gunna try to get some pics for you guys this time, hopefully some of the fish i slaughter, maybe even a big laker :o

also gunna try some smaller lakes see if i can find some pike and walleye.

This is a family ocassion, so i am only taking a 28 of moosehead for the 3 days lol, maybe a lil rum too.

this will be a nice break from work, and the blaster, apparently i suck at assembling reedcages without it leaking
sounds fun bro, a few years back i went fly in fishing in canda, was a heck of a time bro, them walley are delicious, but i couldn't stand the sight of em after eating walley for a week straight, haahha
just got back around 7pm today, a lot of driving, never got fishing though, got out on the boat once and my motor started screwing up, got some carb issues, and had to do more maintenance then expected. There is no pawer there, meaning everything must b e run from a generator which brings on other problems, out only running water is what is pumped up froim the lake, and there is an indoor toilet that is only used when my grandma goes up to save work. It was said toilet casueing troubles this time, there was a big crack in one of the lines and another fell right off the bottom of the bottom of the holding tank. Needless to say, it was a "sh*tty" job, that required 15 beer for me and about 10 cokes for my dad lol