No throttle response.


New Member
Jun 16, 2010
In your dreams.
My friend has an issue with a Blaster he just get and he is too scared to ask anyone here, so I will because it sucks riding with him when his bike acts like this.......

He got a 2002 Blaster with a Toomey b1 exhaust and pipe. 240 jet

When he pins the throttle, it moves but doesn't really have any power. Then, with the throttle still down, all of a sudden the thing takes off like a raped ape. It even flipped backwards on him once, it had so much torque. Not believing him, I rode it and it did the same thing to me. He has a 240 jet, which Toomey recommends. What could cause a throttle response like this?

It is impossible to control as it is either slow and unresponsive, or super fast. There is no in between or warning as to when it will kick into warp-speed mode.

Thanks in advance.
when pinned, does it stutter then take off? my guess, is wrong jetting.
do this
take the carb apart, clean it. make sure the slide works and the jets are not clogged.
clean the air filter
put a new plug in it.

use the old plug to warm it up.
once warm then put the new plug in.
take it through the gears and hold WOT in 5th for a couple second.
turn quad off and check plug.
report back with color of plug.
i would atleast run a 320 in that thing before you blow it up

he must not be keeping it rapped up or he it doggin it in the wrong gear

dont start the bike again before changing the jet out
make sure that the carb is clean, put in that 310, and then do a plug chop.

where's the needle clip?
pretty sure toomey recomends a 310 jet bc i had one and thats what they recomend. you will burn that thing up runnin a 240 and you will burn it up with that big ass airleak that is causin it to run like hell pm holeshot for a cheap well built leakdown tester. this should be owned by all twostroke owners.