new toy to annoy people with..


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
picked this up off craigslist tonight... federal signal highlighter solaris sae w3-1 93 led amber mini light bar, about 16 inches long, 10 wide and 3 inches tall... 30 leds!!! i tryed gettin a vid of it but its so bright that its a orange blur on the camera


here are some vids of the same one i have to show how it is... super bright!!! it lite up the whole block then i tryed it out!

this one is the same but amber leds with a clear lens

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haha to bad cops hate anything people put on there trucks here you are pulled over for whips, led strips under the tailgate, and that thing will for sure give me a ticket for this
i can see a new "johnny law yet again" thread comin soon, hahahaa
you're always up to no good fed,
Thats what I was thinking! I'm have some small led packs. I'm trying to figure out how to mount and get them to flash. I'm thinking above the engine with lots of chrome and polish.