new to quads, hard to start and idle/ cuts out


New Member
Feb 19, 2010
i recently got my first quad, 2000 blaster, borred .30 over upgraded fuel system and exhaust. it was done by midwest motorsports i think is the name of the shop. big place and im pretty sure they would have done it right. that was all done when it was rebuilt 40 hours ago before i got it. my first ride i took it thru a 3" puddle and it died. dried it out and got it running again. then since the k&n filter was attatched directly to the carb, i extended the neck 8" to go under the seat with a simple air box around it to keep it free of dirt mud and water. also cleaned the filter as directed. then it wouldnt kick start, so a friend gave me a pull start and it fired right up. but it cut out in the higher rpm range. when i put it in nuetral to idle it died imediatly before i even let the clutch out. idled ok in gear tho. we put the filter back on the way it was andit still needed a pull start but it ran slightly better before cutting out, but still did, when i came to a stop it was at very low idle then died before i got it in nuetral. i havent changed the plug yet but i will soon as i get back to workin on it. since i never worked on a quad before, the only thing i can rule out is gremlins. any help is apriciated. thanks a ton.
First off welcome to the site bro...

As for attaching the filter straight to the carb is a bad idea. You need a volocity stack between the and the filter. If you attach the filter straight to the carb you will never get a good air flow into the carb. The air goes into the carb as a scattered mess. With the volocity tube the air goes into the carb in a formed pattern. Give this a try and see how it works out for you.
The volocity tube should be at least 3" long.

Also get rid of the K&N filter and get a 2 stage Uni filter with outerwares. IMO
do i need to buy a speciffic type of velocity stack? or will the hose extention i put on work? same diamiter as the carb, about 8 inches long to go up under the seat.
what you did to the air filter should work good, long enuf and tryin to keep it protected, but it sounds like you stil have a water issue, something electrical is still wet, or may have water in the motor, pull the pipe off and see if theres water in there or try shutting off the fuel, drain the fuel out of the carb, then kick it a few times, pull the spark plug and see if your gettin water on, you could have got water sucked into the cases, my buddy did it once on his kx 125, we pulled the plug and the pipe, stood it up on the front wheel and kicked it till the water stopped coming out of the exhaust, left it sit open like that overnight to air out and it started the next day, still runnin fine, so no long term affects
First off welcome to the site bro...

As for attaching the filter straight to the carb is a bad idea. You need a volocity stack between the and the filter. If you attach the filter straight to the carb you will never get a good air flow into the carb. The air goes into the carb as a scattered mess. With the volocity tube the air goes into the carb in a formed pattern. Give this a try and see how it works out for you.
The volocity tube should be at least 3" long.

Also get rid of the K&N filter and get a 2 stage Uni filter with outerwares. IMO

+1 on getting the k&n gone but I don't think he can ...the air box boot to carb probably did not come with...

I think getting a compression reading would be a good idea with 40hrs at least to tell you where your at and to have a baseline
so check my compression, remove exhaust, kick it over, pull plug and check for water? sounds simple enough. and your right about not getting the stock air box with it. should i replace my reeds? or are they ok unless they are broken? havent checked those yet. been too cold to work on it.