new tires


Nov 21, 2008
in a small quiet town
think the blaster can turn these.. lol

j/k they are for the brute..
cant wait to try em out.. 27" silverbacks.
no problem for the brute to turn 27's i ran 29.5's on a 450 foreman...those pretty much are outlaws...gorilla pretty much copied there design and built the silverbacks...but i think the outlaws still have a little more side cup than the silverbacks which is great when ur in some deep ruts and need to get out...wont be long u will have those sold looking for some 32's u will want that clearance for ruts...u will get bit by the mud bug before too long lmao
that's some swampy sh*t!!

Are those new tires really that much different than the mud lites?? It looks like they have deeper lugs and are spaced out a bit more, but seem to be about the same height, no??

You're in FL, so I guess you guys probably don't have a 'mud season' like we do up here...but right now mud season is starting. It's when all the snow melts, the ground un-freezes and gets REAL soft. We don't even run our jeeps on most trails because it could rut them up too bad and ruin them. Most states don't allow travel on OHV trails during mud season, period.
yep, its muddy here too, i was ridin in the feild, crossed a drainage ditch and before i knew it i was in 2 ft of mud, it sucked, finally spun my was out