new shocks


Nov 1, 2007
heres a pic of my blaster with the works shocks on it

gonna try and put on the trx450r rear shock tonight night after work anybody have any ideas about where and how to mount the front rezzies? i was just thinking of putting them on the front with zip ties
no clue about the front ressies, but i have an 06 trx450r rear shock and heres a few tips, first of all you are going to have to bend in the frame a little bit on the right side to make the ressie fit, but its ok. Also you will need to get a 10mm bolt thats long enough to fit then take some 10mm id washers and weld them in so the bolt is resting in the up most position, ask me if this doesnt make sense. Assemble it with the shock connected and let it rest like it normally would, with the bolt pushing on the top side of the mount with the washers on there clamp them in place, then weld them there, i used 2 washers on each side, then on bottom side just drill it out and use some washers for spacers. You will meed alot of spacers up top too.
i see u got them on the ressie usually mount on the downtubes behind ur bumper if ya get what i mean and i would use stainless hose claps rather then zip ties...they make kits i think to mount the ressies probly could find them on ebay pce man
nice.. to mount those front rezzies you need thse metal zip tie things.. i cant think of what they are called... that is what you use to mount them though..