need help!?


New Member
Dec 22, 2008
Oak Island NC
I am trying ro install a keihn 34mm carb. my ? is where can i find the cable that fits into the slide and the TORS unit? or does the stock cable work? I was told the TORS eliminator is not necessary, but an aftermarket cable is! why do I need an entire cable? my problem so far is from the carb to the tors, not tors to thumb. help me out!
our blasters have a 2 piece cable system. it starts from the thumb and ends at the TORS. the 2nd piece of the cable is only about 3". this piece extends from the tors, and then down into the slide of the carb. my prob is the cables diameter is too large to fit into the top of the new carb and it looks like it won't fit into the slide! did I drink too much over the holidays?
its not that i WANT to reuse the TORS! I just want to ride, asap! whatever I need to make the conversion. why recommend the pre mix? as long as the injection works! ain't broke don't fix.
well if you end up going with the 34mm carb then you need to premix, cause the bigger carb dont have the fitting for the oil injection line into the carb like the stocker has ..
so... now I need the block off kit? this is why most switch to 4 stroke! or EFI ! its less complicated. how sure are you Ron? all I want to do is ride this weekend, if possible? what do I need man?
so... now I need the block off kit? this is why most switch to 4 stroke! or EFI ! its less complicated. how sure are you Ron? all I want to do is ride this weekend, if possible? what do I need man?

its not much work at all, umm if you have the stock carb you could always throw that on just so you can ride, then when you get time throw the bigger carb on ,but i think you will need a biger intake boot and a airbox boot to run the carb, thats why most ppl go with a 28 or 30mm carb, umm you dont need the block off plate, you can pull the clutch cover and take off the white gear that turns the pump,

hey do you have aim?..
yeah I got the bigger boot. and thanxs guys so much! I ordered the cable today. It will be here by friday. my brother told me that there is a plunger inside the TORS. is that the killswitch? what do I do with this? and as for blocking of the Oil? how does one go about that?
yeah I got the bigger boot. and thanxs guys so much! I ordered the cable today. It will be here by friday. my brother told me that there is a plunger inside the TORS. is that the killswitch? what do I do with this? and as for blocking of the Oil? how does one go about that?

no prob man, idk about the plunger, How To Remove Your TORS - Yamaha Blaster Forum thats how you take your tors off, you will need to take them off now cause you are swaping out the stock for a bigger carb, and the oiljection you can just take off the main gear that turns the pump,you have to take off the clutch cover in order to take the gear off, and just take off the oil tank and cut the lines, and thats pretty much it,i am pretty sure i got every thing lol ..
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