Need help with Blaster crank seal!! clutch side seal


New Member
Feb 17, 2013
Alright so im trying to put in my clutch side crank seal. I have everything off and i think i have the old seal off. Im really not sure if i have it all off because it didnt come off in 1 piece. Is there a metal ring around the seal i have to remove?? I got this oil seal kit and it came with like 7 or 8 seals. 1 seal will fit around the collar but it wont got into the hole. Look at my pics and you will see what i mean. Someone please help!!! is this brown one the one that suppost to fit in? i can post the other seals it you guys want


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Reactions: Larry's Shee
Have to finish digging old seal out first. The metal part stays on the seal. Lube shaft with grease and pack inside of seal with grease. Wouldn't hurt to put 3bond on inside of collar and keyway, they occasionally leak there. Leak test before you put clutch cover back on.

Little green for saving an engine.
do you know what seal goes into it? and when im digging the old seal out its just sitting on the metal. it seems that my seal is to big
That seal that fits over the sleeve, unless you have the totally wrong seal kit. Notice how that seal has a metal band on the out side? That's what's still in the case, and why new seal won't go in. Also , side of seal with the spring goes into the motor. The coating on outside of seal is kind of like loctite to keep it in. Be sure the case is free of oil before you install. Note how old seal sits in relation to case, you dont want to over drive the new seal. Take care to drive it in squarely. Use whatever you have so you are driving the outside metal part of the seal.
Yep, you use the brown seal pictured that fits the crank collar.Old seal needs to finished being removed.Be careful not to mark the surface where the seal sits and clean it well.Pack the seal with grease,spring side towards crank journal. The seals are designed to fit tight.
The brown seal looks exactly the same on both sides. Is is supposed to look he same on both sides? it has round springs on the seal.
what kind of seal kit did you buy? it should be marked which way goes out, look at it close. i just did one and the seal i had had a thick side and thin side, if i remember right the thick side goes out, but just look on the seal and ill check in my book just to make sure.
Well i got my old seal off!! I:I now all i need to do is make sure i put this new seal in the right way. I got this oil/crank seal kit on it just gave me the seals. i got 2 pics of each side. 1 side looks like it has 4 little grooves in it, you can see that i drew arrows were they are. And the other side has nothing. Could someone let me know which side faces out and which side faces the crank? thank you!!


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Pic #1 with the spring goes in towards the crank. See my other instructions/suggestions.

Yaaaayyyy on getting the rest of the seal out. Give ya a bit O green for it. Come back and if you pass the leak test I'll give some more.
Damn internet lost my post X( gotta do it again :(

Pic #1 with the spring , spring goes in first towards the crank. See my other instructions/suggestions.