Need help with 88 blaster


big rob

I just bought a 88 blaster it has fmf fatty and turbine core pipe,no air box straight k&n filter,and looks like reed spacer with bosyen reeds,It has a 138 main jet want to kow should it be bigger? The next thing is at wide open it seems like its missing no power i changer the plug and cleaned the carb,It wont do it every time some times runs great others its a terd at top speed idles good and starts right up any help would be thankful. have a nice day,Trying to get theis fixed before X-mas
Main jet is to small you need to bump it up, do a plug chop an tell me what the plug looks like an we can go from there if the plug is whitesh/grey then its lean if it black an wet then its rich.....just let us know what the plug looks like an we can help you out.