for stubbern axle removals, i like the carrier off the bike, spray the axle/bearing areas with PB blaster and allow to soak over night.
place a block of wood on solid ground (concrete garage floor)
replace the wheel hub nut to help protect the threads on the end of the axle.
with the large axle/carrier nuts off and that side facing down, grab the carrier by the bolt thru tubes, and slam it down on the wood block < wood to protect the axle's hub nut threads from being damaged.
you can also grab the brake side of the axle and slam it on the wood block, allowing the weight of the carrier, gravity and the force of being slammed downward to work itself down and off.
wear gloves, boots and eye protection.
do the slamming carefully and precisely, do not get all willy nilly and allow the axle to jump off the wood and onto the concrete or thru your foot/leg.
i've found oak or treated lumber to work best for the wood block