Need Help!! Cant figure this out!!!


New Member
Apr 24, 2009
alight, i just picked up this 95 blaster a week ago, wouldnt start cause carb was completly plugged up, so completly stripped it down and cleaned it to a sparkle shine, got it start, got everything fixed and adjusted up to manual specs...also fixed the air leak coming from the intake boot, but heres my problem, im running out of ideas read every thread on here about my problems, the problem when i start it in nuetral it tries to rev out of control, and only way to get it to calm down is kick it into first and hold the clutch half way in, if i pull clutch all the way it, it goes out of control until it warms up, when warmed up it drives fine, and can usually keep it from stalling when stopping, and hard to kick it into nuetral sometimes, i just cant figure it out, ive adjusted to idle and jet screw, doesnt really do anything, the idle screw works a little, please help im loosing my mindX(
alight, i just picked up this 95 blaster a week ago, wouldnt start cause carb was completly plugged up, so completly stripped it down and cleaned it to a sparkle shine, got it start, got everything fixed and adjusted up to manual specs...also fixed the air leak coming from the intake boot, but heres my problem, im running out of ideas read every thread on here about my problems, the problem when i start it in nuetral it tries to rev out of control, and only way to get it to calm down is kick it into first and hold the clutch half way in, if i pull clutch all the way it, it goes out of control until it warms up, when warmed up it drives fine, and can usually keep it from stalling when stopping, and hard to kick it into nuetral sometimes, i just cant figure it out, ive adjusted to idle and jet screw, doesnt really do anything, the idle screw works a little, please help im loosing my mindX(

sounds like your pilot jet is still clogged a little.

use a wire bread tie with the plastic coating melted off, or you can use a .10 guitar string as well to run through the jets to be sure they are cleaned out.

usually idling out of control is a sign of your carburetor being clogged or runnging way too lean.
if cleaning out the pilot jet doesn't help then try turning your fuel/air mixture screw to the left 1/4-1/2 turn..
as ive already said ive taken apart the entire carb, cleaned out every single piece, and when cleaning the jet and pilot and all that i used wire brushes to clean out certain parts and used really small needles and wire string to clean out the holes of the jets, i know its not clogged, im using premium gas with stock oil injection, and that stupid TORS, im wondering if that is going out? i want to rip it off cause im wondering if the shutoff sensor thing is screwed up and trying to kill it but instead reving it.?
yes the gas is ive been riding it fine but just having trouble with it idling at startup and when coming to stop, also the air screw is turned to 1 3/4 turns, had it at stock but worked a little better i tried all the way to 3 turns didnt really do anything so backed it off back to 1 3/4 the idle screw kinda works, not exactly which way to turn that screw though, lol im assuming clockwise is richer? and also the needle inside the carb is at stock position, should i leave that..adjust it? and i know it could be a possible air leak, but where else should i check, the intake is completly sealed...
just to make sure i understand that, move the clip on the needle down one, to bring the needle up? or other way around? I know the lower needle goes into carb the leaner it gets
what size jets are you running.. bypass the tors just unplug the two wires at the top..
i think your pilot jet may be to small.. may be clean but maybe the wrong size. clip toward the tip to richen it up at mid to WOT isnt your problem only at idle?
air/fuel 1 1/2 turns out, check for other air leaks, tors, get rid of, its under the hood, just pull the brain off it and put it in the trash, where size pilot?
the number on the center jet in the float bowl says 232, all i know is all my jets are completly stock i want to replace them but to costly..ill try the tors wire disconnect first real quick see if that helps, and "Mr_3_0_5" i didnt understand the last part of your question thanks
alright heres what ive done, i pulled that stupid tors sensor in the thumb throttle box, idle seemed a lot better, but was still high, moved the pilot screw back to 1 1/2 turns out, still nothing, but then i tried for the heck of it and got a LARGE flathead screwdriver and started turning the STUCK idle screw counter clockwise and idle went way down, able to idle WITHOUT the choke out now, im going ahead and ordering that TORS remove kit, its annoying me anyway...anything else i should check, before i head out....also im curious when listening to the engine it sounds kind of rough like mayby piston is scraping or something or is this how its supposed to sound?
if your talking about the normal blaster motor sounds check out some blaster vids on youtube and see if yours sounds the same. blaster motors have certain engine noises that are common to blasters and its normal.
alight, i just picked up this 95 blaster a week ago, wouldnt start cause carb was completly plugged up, so completly stripped it down and cleaned it to a sparkle shine, got it start, got everything fixed and adjusted up to manual specs...also fixed the air leak coming from the intake boot, but heres my problem, im running out of ideas read every thread on here about my problems, the problem when i start it in nuetral it tries to rev out of control, and only way to get it to calm down is kick it into first and hold the clutch half way in, if i pull clutch all the way it, it goes out of control until it warms up, when warmed up it drives fine, and can usually keep it from stalling when stopping, and hard to kick it into nuetral sometimes, i just cant figure it out, ive adjusted to idle and jet screw, doesnt really do anything, the idle screw works a little, please help im loosing my mindX(

Ok, so im new to this forum, i just picked up a 95 yamaha blaster, this is kinda off topic, i wish i could help you but now im kinda hopin to can help me, what paint and what were the steps in painting your plastics?:-/ i've painted stuff and plastics always seem to chip, thanks for your help!I:I
Ok, so im new to this forum, i just picked up a 95 yamaha blaster, this is kinda off topic, i wish i could help you but now im kinda hopin to can help me, what paint and what were the steps in painting your plastics?:-/ i've painted stuff and plastics always seem to chip, thanks for your help!I:I

yeah like hudack said, you should have searched and then started a new thread, but since we're here already

Krylon fusion is the easiest way to paint your plastics.

I've had the best results so far using a red 3m abrasive pad to scuff the plastic so the paint can "bite" into something.

Wash it down well and once it's completely dry you can paint it with the Krylon. It doesn't require priming.

There are "better" ways of painting but are more involved and costly.