my youngest sons blaster build


New Member
Feb 26, 2012
this is the 93 blaster i picked up last week for 100 bones came with 2 motors one has a good topend bad bottom the other has good bottom bad top so im in good shape there . this is how it looks now progress pictures to come
Damn!!! $100 is a hell-of-a-deal. Is the plan to get one good running motor out of the two or to get both running?
ya im just going to bore and piston good jug. but keeping the old motor it has a 240 sleve in it but its got no bores left so I want to get it resleved and when i get the money i want to put a vitos stuffer +3 crank and put it in one of our blasters . just need to save some cash to get it .
I was going to sell the other motor but I hate selling worn ass parts i dont know the history on allways comes back to bite you in the ass
dont know for sure on the rears but he threw in an allmost new set of stock raptor rims and dunlops for the front