My Project Dirt Bike


New Member
Nov 7, 2008
Cabot, PA
Here is my project bike. A 1994 Suzuki RM80 that I picked up on CL with a bad top end for $200. I ordered a new piston/rings/gaskets and they sent me the wrong size. I want to get this thing running soo bad. Here are some pics.


thing looks nice!

when it drys out here someone is giving me a 1980 yz80 for free to fix up
its in pritty good condition for sitting outside for 15 years lol
yeah im bout to pick up a 1987 xr200r, it needs piston and rings, its ruff but for like 50 bucks cant beat
I will be getting my new Wiseco top end for it at the end of this week or early next week and then I need to get it bored so hopefully it will be running in about 2 weeks and I'll try to put some vids up.
there is athis really old dirtbike outside near my house near a shed it must be liek 25 years old its so weird, i kno its a yamaha ill take some pictures
nice i picked up my 91 cr125 for 200 and it came with the piston and rings that it needed to be rebuilt, it did need the Idle screw for hte carb which was like $40 but it runs.. so 240 for a running bike... not bad I:I
yeah im picking up the xr200r friday for 50 bucks, it has a hmf slip on and multicolored plastic lol.. needs top end so i figure around 100 bucks i should have it running
i have an old pw80 im fixing up for my little brother, im rebuilding the top end because it had been sitting for a couple years so the rings had rusted to the cylinder but it was free so $35 for new parts and it should be good to go
yeah the xr is 4poke, im just replacing the piston/rings because the wrist pin broke and scratched up the cylinder walls...
i had the same project but mine was a yz125 the bike i have now it needed a header pipe and top end clean the carb and was good to go picked the bike up for 200 and pipe and piston off ebay. pipe was 15 shipped and piston was 30 shipped