my new yfz hood scoop on the blaster


New Member
May 22, 2012
heres a few photos of my blaster with 250r style fenders with yfz 450 carbon fiber hood and a before scoop photo



before photo

any opionons on this look
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I like it. I bought a TRX450R hood and headlight to put on my race front fenders. I planned to do it and use the light but that's just another thing I never got around to.
its got chrome motorcycle drag bars on it i drag raced this one once and left them on it.

for the hood i just took a bench grinder and smoothed the hood out to fit snug on the race fenders and then just drilled holes and bolted it to it its very sturdy and i think looks pretty cool. with this hood style B)
Nice fab work. The only thing I see is it hangs over the race fender a little bit. When we put ours on we trimmed them to be flush.