well man i just orderd some carbs from a guy from craptor forum for 100 with 20 hourse on the carbs and he is giving me a k&k filter with the same hourse on it i sent the money order express mail so he is going to send it back express mail cause i told him need the carbs by saturday cause its going to be mad good and my craptor has that sh*t f**kt up..
i got new carbs cause the carbs i had were missing a rubber thing that gose inside on the top wen u open the cap and theywer nasty and dirty he parkt it for 5 months but i curent find nothin and i went to a place to get it and they said 35 dallers i was like hell no just for a little peace so i got carbs from a guy from raptor forum for 100 flus a k&k air filter 20 hourse on the carb and filter